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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Searching for Happiness a call to non Muslims

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Searching for Happiness_ a call to non-Muslims

Shaykh Saalih as-Sindee

Happiness is a common goal that everyone strives to attain. Philosophers, intellectuals, doctors and artists alike have all strived in search of the causes of happiness and ways to escape anxiety.

The reality is, however, that the proposed solutions achieve only partial or superficial happiness. They are more or less like drugs which only provide temporary relief; when their effect wares off, anxieties return two fold.

The following words invite you to ultimate happiness and will lead you to true success. But before you begin reading, I hope that you to take a moment to try to open your heart and mind - as the intelligent one is he who searches for the truth no matter where it lies.

An undeniable reality is that permanent happiness cannot be achieved except by believing in God - The Creator - and following His guidance. Since it is He who created mankind, He is the one who knows what pleases and benefits them, just as he knows what saddens and harms them. A number of psychologists have affirmed that only a religious person lives with true content and serenity. So if believing in God leads to ultimate happiness, then how can this be achieved?

There are numerous religions and a variety of creeds. However, their critical differences in core issues make it impossible for all of them to be correct. So which is the correct religion? What is the correct creed that God requires us to believe in and in the end pleases Him? And which one of these creeds guarantees us happiness in this life and in the hereafter?

Before answering these questions, a criterion must first be established to be used as a basis for correctly determining the true religion. I firmly believe that all sensible people will agree that a religion is not deemed correct simply due to the fact that one was raised in that religion, had parents that adhered to it, or lived in a society that practiced it. Rather a religion's accuracy and authenticity are based upon substantial evidence and firm intellectual proofs. Intellect, the distinguishing factor between mankind and animals, must be applied when studying the issue of religion, which is undeniably the most important and gravest of all matters.

A short journey into the world of religions and sifting through various creeds could prove to be a good method in arriving at the desired conclusion. In order to save you the time and effort, I say with full conviction and confidence that no matter how much you investigate this issue, you will only arrive at one reality: that the true and correct religion is Islam and that true happiness and content lies within it.

Before you hastily rebut this statement and stop reading, please realize that completing the rest would not harm you at all, and it may in fact benefit you. Also, remember that you have an intellect by which you can distinguish things and determine truth from falsehood.

Why Islam?

This is an important question, indicating that the questioner is mature and enlightened. In response I say:

Islam is a religion that includes a number of merits and characteristics that are absent from other religions. These characteristics, alone, serve as convincing evidence that Islam is the true religion of God. You can determine the authenticity of this statement by contemplating them.

Islam's many merits and characteristics make it impossible to elaborate on all of them. However, some of the most important can be summarized as follows:

1) Amongst the greatest merits of Islam is that it fulfills the spiritual aspects of the human being and enables those who embrace it to have an ongoing connection with God. This makes it possible for them to be at ease spiritually. It shields them from chaos, being lost or feeling (spiritually) empty, and protects from mental instability.

2) Another of Islam’s merits is that it coincides totally with common sense. All of the Islamic legislation and its rulings are acceptable intellectually and are never contradictory. One man who embraced Islam was asked why he did so and replied, "Islam never ordered me to do anything that I later wished wasn't obligated, and it never forbade me from anything that I later wished wasn’t forbidden."

Much of what is readily accepted in other religions causes great confusion. This confusion makes it difficult to believe many of the fundamental tenets/doctrines that these religions are based upon. On the other hand, we find that Islam respects the intellect, prohibits ignorance, and condemns blind following.

3) Islam is an all-inclusive way of life attending to both spiritual and physical needs. Practicing Islam does not mean that one has to be secluded or that he is prohibited from the finer things in life. Rather, according to Islam, a person can be religious and still enjoy a normal life - attaining prestigious ranks/positions and achieving the highest academic degrees.

4) Among the merits of Islam is that it is a comprehensive religion. Every aspect of a person’s life is managed by Islam. There is not a problem except that a solution for it lies in Islam, which makes it possible to embrace and practice in every time and place. How can this not be the case in such a well organized religion that has guidelines and positive instruction for every aspect of life including: conflict resolution, buying and selling, social and marital relations, greetings, public etiquettes, and even how a person eats, sleeps and dresses. These practices have not been addressed generally, but rather in precise detail, causing the mind to wonder in amazement. Know that Islam even provides direction on how to wear and remove footwear. It encourages people to use their right hand when eating, drinking, shaking hands, and when giving and receiving items. As for disliked affairs such as using the bathroom, the left hand is to be used.

Islam also has wonderful instructions regarding going to sleep and waking up. When two Muslims meet, Islam directs them on how they should greet each other; a rider should initiate greeting the pedestrian, the youth should initiate greeting the elderly, and a small group should initiate greeting a larger group. These are but a few of Islam’s many comprehensive guidelines for all aspects of life.

5) Another of Islam’s merits is that it establishes good for mankind in all its regulations and safeguards them from evil. It is man himself who benefits from these regulations. Islam's prohibition of alcohol and drugs for example is only because of the great harm they cause to a person's physical and mental health. You can witness the state of a drunken man, no longer human except in appearance. A lot of murders, disputes, traffic accidents and rapes would not have taken place were it not for consuming these mind-altering products.

Islam's prohibition of premarital sex relieves societies of destructive diseases (such as AIDS and other STDs), immoral behavior, and the existence of a generation of illegitimate children. This generation is often deprived of a mother’s love and a father’s upbringing which can lead them to become burdensome on society. Islam prohibits women from displaying themselves publicly. This is because Islam considers women to be valued, preserved pearls; not some cheap merchandise to be displayed for all to see. It does so to protect them from the wolves of mankind - those who are only concerned with satisfying their lusts, even if it is at the cost of a woman’s honor, nobility, status, and purity.

On the other hand, Islam permits all harmless and beneficial drinks. It also permits married couples to enjoy one another within a happy home.

In summary, Islam has not eliminated freedoms and desires. Rather, it regulates them for the benefit of mankind and the society at large.

6) A radiant aspect of Islam is that it pays a great deal of attention to values, character, and praiseworthy manners, while prohibiting mankind from oppression, transgression and bad character. Islam is a religion of love, unity and mercy. It defines an individual’s relationship with his parents, relatives, neighbors, friends and all people. Islam embeds the best of manners in those who embrace it and prevents them from living selfishly. It encourages its followers to help others and take others' feelings into consideration - especially the poor, orphans, elderly and widows. They all have rights in Islam that must not be taken lightly by Muslims. Muslims shouldn’t feel like they are bestowing favors upon others when giving them their due rights, rather these rights are obligations upon Muslims. It is considered to be a great sin in Islam for one to go to sleep with a full stomach knowing that his neighbor is hungry.

Islam even prohibits two people from whispering to each other in the presence of a third, taking his feelings into consideration. Islam goes even further than that, obligating kind treatment to animals and prohibiting harming them. More specifically, Islam prohibits slaughtering an animal while another watches, or sharpening a knife while it is watching, so that it is not tormented along with being slaughtered.

Truthfulness, trustworthiness, bravery, generosity, humility, abiding by promises, visiting the sick, attending funerals, being dutiful to parents, visiting relatives and neighbors, and striving to help others are all etiquettes that are encouraged by Islam.

On the other hand, Islam strictly prohibits oppression, lying, conceitedness, envy, and insulting or betraying others. It is impermissible in Islam to speak ill of a person in his absence, even if what is being said is true. Islam encourages people to moderate in spending, being neither excessive nor misers.

During times when a lot of societies complain about cold heartedness, materialism, selfishness and so on, we find that Islam has proven remedies for all of these problems.

This summarized introduction should make it clear that Islam is a logical religion that can be easily understood by all people. The doors to Islam are wide open and do not shut for anyone looking to enter.

Understanding all of Islam's teachings in a short article is impossible. However, briefly discussing some of its fundamental tenets should assist in further clarifying the religion for those who are interested.

All of Islam’s regulations and teachings are important, but some have precedence over others. There are six essential articles of faith that one must believe in, and five pillars that one's faith must be built upon.

As for the six articles that must be believed in:

1) Believing in Allah (God) alone, associating no partners unto Him in worship. This is done by believing that Allah alone is the Creator of this universe and everything that is within it, and that it is He alone who disposes its affairs as He sees fit. Consequently, worship can only be offered to Him alone. Worship is implementing the teachings of Islam and its legislation while believing that all other religions are false.

2) Believing in the angels. Angels were created by Allah but we can not see them. They worship Allah and never disobey Him. Allah orders them to carry out many of the universe's affairs. The angel Gabriel, for example, (peace be upon him) delivers Allah’s revelation to the messengers. Another is Mikayeel (peace be upon him), who is entrusted with the affairs of rain. Still there are other angels responsible for writing the deeds of mankind - deeds which they will be held accountable for on the Day of Resurrection. It is essential to believe that all of the angels act solely upon the order of Allah and do only what He wills.

3) Believing in the Books of Revelation. This means to believe that Allah revealed books to His servants comprising of His words. These books contain bliss for mankind by clarifying what Allah is pleased with as well as what He dislikes. The Angel charged with delivering revelation to the Prophets is Gabriel (peace be upon him) - the greatest of angels. A prophet then conveys the revelation to the rest of mankind.

Allah has revealed many books, amongst them: The Torah, revealed to Moses (peace be upon him), The Psalms, revealed to David (peace be upon him), The Gospel, sent down to Jesus (peace be upon him) and the Quran, which was revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him).

One must believe that the Quran has abrogated all books prior to it, meaning that - after the Prophet (Muhammad) was sent - it is the only book that can be acted upon, especially since the Quran combines all the merits of past books and further supplements them.

Know that the Quran is from the greatest evidences that this religion is the truth revealed by Allah (God) the Most High. The Quran was revealed over 1400 years ago. Since then till this day, no contradictions or mistakes have been found in the Quran, not even in a single word. Many of the scientific discoveries of modern times were mentioned in the Quran. Since that time until today, nothing has been added to or subtracted from the Quran, while previous revelations have been tampered with and altered.

It is for this reason that you can pick up a copy of the Quran in the far East and find it to be exactly the same as one you pick up in the far West. If you were to come across a copy of the Quran that is hundreds of years old, you would also find that it is exactly the same as the one being printed currently - you wouldn’t be able to find even one letter that is different. This is because of Allah’s protection of this Book, the Book of the religion that sealed all other religions.

Speaking about the Quran would take a lot of time. However, it is enough for you to know that there is nothing like it whatsoever; not by way of (literary) style, its effect on people, nor its information about the unseen.

4) Believing in the Prophets. This is done by believing that Allah has chosen the best of mankind to be recipients of His revelation and ordered them to convey His religion to the people. There are numerous Prophets, among them are: Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, Lot, Joseph, Moses and others (peace be upon all of them). Also from them is Jesus. It is imperative to believe that he is among the best of Prophets and to love and respect him. Whoever despises him or denies his prophethood is not Muslim. Likewise it is compulsory to believe that Allah created him from a mother only, with no father, just as Allah created Adam with neither a mother nor a father.

Having mentioned this, we now know that Jesus is a noble messenger and not God, nor is he a son of God. He foretold the coming of a prophet to come after him; Muhammad ibn (the son of) Abdullah, the last of the prophets.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah (peace be upon him) was sent 1400 years ago. It is compulsory for everyone who comes after him until the Day of Judgment to believe in him and his message, and obey his orders and prohibitions.

All those who studied the biography of this messenger have agreed that he is a great personality who has been bestowed with the best of manners and most noble etiquettes. He had characteristics which were not present in anyone before him and will not be present in anyone after him. Anything that you read about him, no matter how small it is, confirms what I am saying.

Allah has also granted him proofs and evidences that establish the authenticity of his prophethood, thus having doubt in this fact is intellectually impossible. Having been given such proofs and evidences of his prophethood, whoever denies his truthfulness, would make it impossible for that individual to establish the truthfulness of any other prophet.

5) The Last Day. This is fulfilled firmly believing that after this life of ours is over, there is another more complete life. In it, there are immense rewards and magnificent luxuries, as well as punishment. Luxury is in Heaven and punishment in Hell. So whoever is righteous and believes in the religion of Islam enters Heaven, a place that contains untold pleasure and unimagined bliss. All the luxuries on earth cannot be compared to it at all. Whoever enters Heaven will continue to live in such luxuries for eternity as death does not exist therein.

As for those who act upon evil and do not believe in Islam, they would end up in Hell, which contains fires and punishment that can not be imagined, all of the fires of earth and forms of punishment cannot be compared to the punishment of the hellfire at all.

The existence of punishment and reward after this life is an issue that is intellectually acknowledged, because it is impossible for this world to exist and then just diminish into nothingness. This is trifling about, and our Lord, the Creator, does not engage in such activities.

6) Believing in Divine Decree. This is to believe that everything that happens in this world is due to Allah’s knowledge and will. Nothing except what He wills takes place, and what He does not will, does not take place. Allah has written everything in a great book (The Preserved Tablet). Believing in divine decree also includes believing that Allah created everything.

As for the five pillars that must be practiced:

1) Uttering a phrase that is the key to entering into Islam. It is a contract between a servant and his Lord, signifying that he is upon this religion:

“Ashhadu an la ilaha ila Allah, wa ashadu ana Muhammad ‘abduhu wa rasuluhu.”

“I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.”

This testimony signifies the acceptance, admission, and adherence to the fact that worship must be offered to Allah alone. It also includes the acceptance of Islam as the only correct religion, Allah as the only true deity deserving worship, and that all other deities and religions are false. The second part of the testimony entails an affirmation that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and that he is to be obeyed and believed in all that he says.

2) The Prayer. It is a combination of statements, actions and invocations carried out in a specific manner. It is performed five times daily and doesn’t take much time at all. In fact, a prayer may not take more than five minutes. Prayer is the link between a servant and his Lord. It enables a Muslim to be confident, mentally and spiritually at rest, calm and untroubled.

3) The Zakaat. A wealthy Muslim must give a small portion of his money to the poor, 2.5% of his wealth to be exact. Even though it is a small amount, it enables the Muslim community to be conciliated and merciful amongst each other. It propagates brotherhood, love and concern amongst Muslims. And again, Zakaat is only to be given out by the wealthy, not the poor.

4) Fasting. What is meant by fasting is that a person withholds from eating, drinking and sexual relations during the month of Ramadan [which is the 9th month of the lunar calendar] between dawn and sunset. The sick, travelers, and those with valid excuses are pardoned from fasting. They are permitted to eat and drink but must make up the missed days once they become able.

Fasting has many health, personal, and social benefits. Amongst them are: giving the digestive system a break, allowing Muslims to grow spiritually and practice good mannerisms. It enables Muslims to be conscious of their needy brothers and sisters, those who are unable to find enough food to satisfy their needs throughout the year. Consequently, the Muslims humble themselves and strive to help them.

5) Hajj. It is a form of worship that must be performed only once in a lifetime, in Makkah. Those who are physically incapable or not financially able to perform it are pardoned from doing so.

Hajj contains many magnificent benefits; the gathering of Muslims from all around the globe in one place getting to know each other and displaying love for one another, not to mention what a Muslim achieves by way of spiritual purification and character refinement due to experiencing such a spiritual environment in the shade of Hajj.

Hopefully what has preceded is sufficient in clarifying - in a summarized fashion - some of the merits of Islam. I invite all who have not yet entered into the fold of Islam to listen to a sincere invitation from one who only wants good for you: save yourself before death takes you by surprise, and thus you die upon other than Islam - what a great loss that is!

Do you know what dying upon other than Islam means? It means that you would enter the Hellfire, abiding therein for eternity. This is what Allah has warned all those who die without embracing Islam. So why would you take a chance with an issue as grave as this?

I’m going to ask you a question that I want you to answer honestly:

What would you lose if you embraced Islam?

If you embrace Islam, you can continue living your normal ordinary life, but in a more spiritual, organized, and pleasant fashion…and after death, tremendous delight and eternal pleasure await you.

If you have reached a level of conviction, believing that Islam is the true religion, but fear that embracing Islam would prevent you from enjoying pleasures that you cannot live without, then compare these temporary pleasures with eternal pleasure. Which of the two should be given preference?

Furthermore, you can embrace Islam and then gradually try to reduce such pleasures. And if you were to honestly invoke Allah, He would surely aid you in leaving them. In any case, embracing Islam and having shortcomings is better than not embracing Islam at all.

If the barrier between you and Islam is due to having a weak personality, the inability to make such a big decision, or because you fear that people may talk about you or mock you, know that these are just unrealistic thoughts. You would not be the first person to embrace Islam; a lot of others have made the decision to do so. They did not lose anything, their lives were not ruined, nor do they have any regrets. Furthermore, does it make sense that you sacrifice your own well being and happiness in this life and in the hereafter just because you fear mockery or admonishment?

This affair is worthy of your time. Contemplate upon it deeply.

My last words: Do not lose yourself! I ask Allah to bless you with true guidance.

One who wishes only the best for you,

Dr. Saleh Abdul Azeez As Sindee

Translator: Nadir Ahmad, Abu Abdul-Waahid

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly, Really ?!?!!!!

True Islamic Views About Terrorism:
Very important articles against terrorism:-
Please Study and Research All the Articles Found Below:
Friday, December 18, 2009 at 11:14am
This question arises in the minds of the people, during any discussion on religion or world affairs. Muslim stereotypes are perpetuated in every form of the media accompanied by gross misinformation about Islam and Muslims. In fact, such misinformation and false propaganda often leads to discrimination and acts of violence against Muslims.

Oxford Dictionary describes the word terrorism as: 'the use of violent actions in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act.' The word terrorism was first coined in 1790's during the French Revolution. The years 1793 and 1794 were called as 'The Reign of Terror' or 'Years of Terror.'

During these years
Maximilin Robespierre guillotined thousands of innocents. He arrested more than 500,000 out of which he executed 40,000. More than 200,000 were deported and more than 200,000 were starved and tortured to death in the prisons.

Today there is a statement, which is being repeatedly bombarded, especially in the western media and that statement is, 'All Muslims are not Terrorist, but all Terrorist are Muslims.' But here are the historical records on terrorist attacks that speak a different picture:

19th century – We hardly find any terrorist attacks done by Muslims.

1881 –
Tsar Alexander was assassinated in a Bomb Blast. He was traveling in a bulletproof carriage in St. Pietersburg Street. The first bomb kills innocent 21 bystanders. The second bomb killed him while he was stepping out of the car. He was killed by Ignacy Hryniewiecki. He was Anarchists.
1886 – Bomb Blast at
Haymarket Square, Chicago, during a labour rally. 12 people were killed; one among them was a policeman. Seven policemen were injured and they died in the hospital. The people responsible were 8 Anarchists all of them were non-Muslims. 6 September 1901 – The US President, William McKinley, was shot twice by an Anarchist named Leon Czolgosz. He was a non-Muslim. 1 October 1910 – Bomb blast in Los Angeles at Times newspaper building. 21 were killed. The blast was done by 2 Christians named James and Joseph. They were union leaders. 28 June 1914 – Archduke of Austria and his wife were assassinated which precipitated the World War I. The members of Young Bosnia assassinated them - most of them were Serbs. They were non-Muslims. 16 April 1925 – Bomb Blast in St. Nedelya Church in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. 10,050 were killed and 500 injured. This was the biggest terrorist attack that was done on the soil of Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Communist Party did it. They were non-Muslims. 9 October 1934King Alexander I of Yugoslavia was assassinated by a gunman by the name of Vlada Georgieff. He was a non-Muslim.
1 May 1961 – First US plane to be hijacked was not done by a Muslim. It was done by
Ramierez Ortiz. 28 August 1968 – The US Ambassador to Guatemala was assassinated by a non-Muslim. 30 July 1969 – The US Ambassador to Japan was knifed by a Japanese non-Muslim. 3 September 1969US Ambassador to Brazil was kidnapped by a non-Muslim. 19 April 1995 - The famous attack of the Oklahoma Bombing in which a truck loaded with bombs ran into the federal building of Oklahoma, in which 166 were killed and 100 were injured. Initially in the press it came as 'Middle East Conspiracy'. Later on they came to know that it was done by two Christians named Timothy and Terry.
After World War II

After World War II from 1941 to 1948, the Jewish Terrorists conducted 259 terrorist attacks.
22 July 1946 – The famous bombing of King David Hotel was conducted under the leadership of Menachem Begin. 91 were killed, out of which 28 were British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews and 5 others. The Ignun group dressed up as Arabs to show as though the Muslims did this bombing. Menachem Begin was called terrorist number one by the British government. Later on after a few years Menachem Begin the terrorist number one became the Prime Minister of Israel & got a Noble Prize for Peace. Imagine a person who was a terrorist number getting a Noble Prize for Peace. Menachem Begin and others were fighting to get a Jewish state. Before 1945 Israel did not exist in the World Map. These Jewish group were fighting for a Jewish state and later on with the power they kick the Palestinian out and now the same people are calling the same Palestinian who are fighting for a more just cause for getting their land back. And the Israelis label them today as Terrorist. Hitler killed 6 million Jews. The Palestinians welcome the Jews. Later on the Jews kick the Palestinians out of their own land and when the Palestinians are fighting to get their land back they are labeled as Terrorists. It is like I welcome a stranger in my house. After a few days that person throws me out of my house and when I shout out side my house that I want my house back, you call me a Terrorist.
Germany from 1968 – 1992, Baader Meinhoff Gang killed several innocent human beings.
Italy, Red Brigades kidnapped and killed Aldo Moro, the former Prime Minister of Italy. 20 March 1995 - Aum Shinrikyo a Buddhist Cult used Nerve Gas in the Tokyo Subway in which 12 people were killed and 5700 were wounded and injured.
IRA (The Irish Republican Army)

In UK since hundred years IRA (The Irish Republican Army) is conducting Terrorist attacks against
UK. They are Catholics. But are never called as Catholic Terrorist. In 1972 IRA conducted 3 bomb blasts. In the first blast 7 were killed, in second blast 11 were killed and in the third 9 were killed.
In 1974 IRA conducted two bomb blasts. First at Guildford Pub in which 5 were killed and 44 injured; second at the Birmingham Pub which killed 21 and injured 182.
In 1996 IRA conducted bomb blast in
London in which 2 persons were killed and more than were 100 injured. In the same year IRA conducted bomb blast in Manchester shopping center in which 206 people were injured.
1 August, 1998, the 'Banbridge' bomb blast took place. The IRA planted 500 pound of bomb, which was loaded in a car where 35 people were injured.
15 August, 1998, 'Omagh' bomb blast took place. IRA planted 500 pound of bomb in a car where 29 people were killed and 330 injured.
On the
4 March, 2001, the BBC was bombed by IRA.
The IRA is never called as Catholic Terrorist. Today the
UK government is more afraid of Muslim terrorist. Today Tony Blair is more afraid of the 'Muslim terrorists' than IRA who is conducting terrorist attacks for more than a hundred years. Why?
Spain and France ETA conducted 36 terrorist attacks. In Africa there are many terrorist organisations. But the most notorious is the 'Lord's Salvation Army'; a Christian terrorist organisation in Uganda. They train young childrens to commit terrorist attacks.

Sri Lanka, the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam) is the most notorious. It is the most violent terrorist organisation in the world. They are experts in suicide bombings and they even train children to take part in suicide bombings.

Normally people know Palestinian suicide bombings, Iranian suicide bombing, but they don't know that LITTE are people who have popularized to suicide bombings. The LTTE i.e. Tamil tigers, they are Hindus.

India majority of the terrorist attacks are talked about the Kashmiri militants. In India there are terrorist organization belonging to almost all different religions. We have Sikh terrorist, the 'Bhindranwala' in Punjab. If you go to South Asian Terrorism portal run by Non-Muslims, and if you see the list of terrorist attacks done by all the people, you will find the Muslims in a minority. But that is never highlighted in the media.

5 June, 1984, the Indian Security Forces took over the Golden Temple in which 100 people were killed. In retaliation on 31 October, 1984, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh security guard. In Tripura there are Christian terrorist organizations called ATTF (All Tripura Tiger Force) and NLFT (National Liberation Front of Tripura). On the 2 October, 44 Hindus were killed by these Christian terrorists.

Assam we have ULFA (United Liberation Front of Assam). ULFA in the 16 years from 1990 to 2006 has conducted successfully 749 confirmed terrorist attacks. The ULFA will put the Kashmiri militants to shame. But in the newspapers we only hear of Kashmiri militant. Why? The ULFA are trained to kill the Muslims, they are Hindus. How many times do we hear about them?

The maximum terrorist attacks, which have been done in
India, are done by the Maoists. Only in Nepal, in the past 7 years they have conducted 99 terrorist attacks. According to the Indian Government out of 600 districts in India Maoists are present in 150 districts of India. They have done terrorist attacks in one-third part of India. The Maoists are the biggest dangers to India but yet the Indian Government is afraid of the Muslim terrorist. Why? The reason is George Bush. The Times of India, edition dated 9 September, 2006, reported that 875 rockets and 30 launchers were confiscated by the police. It is the biggest haul in the history of India that the government has confiscated.

From all these things we can surely say that Terrorism is not a Muslim Monopoly. Not a Muslim monopoly, it is not even a specialty of the Muslims. It is not even encouraged by Islam. The Holy Qur'an says in Sura Maidah, chp.5, verse.32, that "If anyone kills any human being, except as a punishment for murder or creating mischief in the land, it will as though he had killed the entire humanity". Most of the religions don't preach that you should kill innocent human being. Terrorism is not the monopoly of any religion.

The human being who has killed the maximum people is
Adolf Hitler. Hitler incinerated 6 million Jews. He was Christian. Joseph Stalin (Uncle Joe) killed 20 million human beings; including 14.5 million were starved to death. Mao Tse Tsung of China killed 14 to 20 million human beings. He was Non Muslim. Benito Mussolini of Italy killed 400,000 human beings. Maximilin Robespierre during the French revolution starved and tortured 200,000 people to death and executed 40,000 people. Ashoka in one battle of Kalinga alone killed more than 100,000 people. He was a Hindu. Saddam Hussein killed a few 100 thousands people. But the embargo put by George Bush and the USA alone killed more than half a million Iraqi children. In Indonesia, Muhammad Suharto killed 500,000 people.

This is nothing compared to
Hitler or uncle Joe nothing compare to Mao TSE sung each individual will put the Muslims to shame. I am not trying to say that these individual they were religious. If they would have religious then they would not have committed such acts. But yet we find in the international media that the Muslims are called as fundamentalist, extremists and terrorists. The American Revolution took place in the 19th century. According to the British Government the terrorist No. 1 that time was Benjamin Franklin and George Washington.

Views of world's famous personalities

The President of Venezuela, '
Hugo Chavez' says, 'The biggest terrorist in the world is George bush'.
The President Elect of Bolivia, 'Evo Morales', he says that
George Bush is a terrorist.
Famous singer and activist of
America, Harry Bellefonte says that the biggest terrorist in the world is George Bush.
An MP in
UK by the name of George Galloway he said, 'The blood that is on the hands of George Bush and Tony Blair is much more than the bombers who have done bombing in London. It will be justified that a suicide bomber goes and kill Tony Blair without injuring any other human being. This is type of suicide bombing will be justified'.
Former Chief Minister of
West Bengal, Jyoti Basu said, 'The biggest terrorist in the world is George Bush'.
Noble prize winner for Peace,
Betty Williams said, 'I would love to kill George Bush'.
Solution to terrorism

Politicians should be honest and just and should not do wrong things for the vote bank.
Innocent Indian citizens should not be instigated by the politicians and kill other human beings. Police should be upright and just and protect the innocent. They should not be ploy of the politicians. I know that there are times that they can be transferred. But if every policeman in
India is honest, the new policemen who are transferred will also be honest. So what will the politicians do?
People should not take the law in their hand and kill other human being.
Mahatma Gandhi said, " If India has to improve it should be ruled by a dictator as honest and upright as Hadrat Umar (The Caliph of Islam). Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson said, 'People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, they fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has already been dropped, it fell the day Prophet MUHAMMED (pbuh) was born'.
Idol worshipping or praying to or hoping to gain rewards & blessings from other than the one true God, worshipping or praying to demi-gods or deity worshipping of animals or stars or trees or man or woman or saints or pious people, is the worst sin of all sins.
Showing respect to pictures / status / sculpture / mural etc showing respect to pictures / status / sculpture / mural etc, is the greatest sin of all sins. God was not born, nor is someone child of God.
Everything is God’s creation. Nothing / no one can be compared to God (Allah) in any aspect. Only God (Allah) has the real control & Knowledge over all good or bad or any future event.
Thinking that, any law, system, or lifestyle other than by GOD is better is one of the greatest sins.
Thinking that God (Allah) is unjust, laws, systems, or lifestyle from GOD is not good anymore or cruel - is one of the greatest sins.
Please read and think about your lord, the creator, the sustainer, all-knowing - God. The God who is unique, The God who can only be compared to himself, The God who does not begets and he is not begotten, The only God who is not male or female, nor he is partial to any gender. The God who is the only one who is the most just and he does not oppresses anyone in any way, and he does not like anyone who oppresses or misuse any of his creations. The only god who has the right to make laws for his creations & no one has the right to ignore them. The God who is not limited by time, not limited in strength, not limited in resources, not limited in knowledge.
The God who will judge people good or bad ( reward able or punishable in the afterlife) based upon their Religion; Not - Country, race, nationality, language, color, beauty, riches, education, culture - They does not help if there is anything against the law of the religion.
All of us will die and will return to his kingdom in the skies. Then men & women will have to go to heavens or to hells.
Surrender yourself to the will of god, surrender to the laws of his Religion (In Arabic that means Islam). Pray and supplicate to your God, so that you may be guided to the truth. Have love & fear both for your God - The only God who is to be worshipped alone (In Arabic he [God] is -Allah).

The mother of all be taken quite literally!

Idol worshipping or praying to or hoping to gain rewards & blessings from other than the one true God, worshipping or praying to demi-gods or deity worshipping of animals or stars or trees or man or woman or saints or pious people, is the worst sin of all sins.

Showing respect to pictures / status / sculpture / mural etc showing respect to pictures / status / sculpture / mural etc, is the greatest sin of all sins. God was not born, nor is someone child of God.

Everything is God’s creation. Nothing / no one can be compared to God (Allah) in any aspect. Only God (Allah) has the real control & Knowledge over all good or bad or any future event.

Thinking that, any law, system, or lifestyle other than by GOD is better is one of the greatest sins.

Thinking that God (Allah) is unjust, laws, systems, or lifestyle from GOD is not good anymore or cruel - is one of the greatest sins.

The mother of all be taken quite literally!

When the Indians, Zionist Jews, U.S. or European or Russian warplanes drop bombs on a house & kill many people in & around that house & tell us all of the killed people were terrorists, most of us believe them. Do we have any proof to believe that? Is this bombing anyone & killing without proof, not terrorist activities?

[An Example to start - In CONGO (AFRICA) from 1908 to 1960s the civilized European colonial power / government of BELGIUM killed or wounded , raped & tortured more than 10 million people. The Belgian authorities considered those killed people as terrorists.]

Civilized French people killed or wounded , raped & tortured More than 200000 (Terrorist) Muslims every year in Algeria & Niger (and still the French are robbing natural resource from those countries).

Italians used Chemical weapons against the (Terrorist) Muslims in North Africa & killed , wounded, raped & tortured many millions of terrorist muslims.

Dutch civilized (Netherlands) people killed, wounded, raped & tortured many millions of millions of (Terrorist) Muslims in Indonesia.

Spanish good people killed , wounded, raped & tortured & also forcefully converted many many millions of (Terrorist) Muslims into Christians both in Europe (mainly but not only in Spain) & in Philippines.

Portuguese people went around all over the world & kidnapped, killed or wounded, raped & tortured many many terrorists.

An western civilization & an advanced European country Russia ( & USSR) killed , wounded, raped & tortured & also forcefully converted many many millions of (Terrorist) Muslims & still doing so.

All the above-mentioned Killing, Kidnapping & Rape are not considered Terrorism, Why?- Because they have money, media & military!

For those of you who want facts and figures and have the intellect to judge 'good' from 'evil' and the courage to know and say out the truth please read on....for the rest, You should move to some other thing!

Ever since the United States Army massacred 300 Lakotas in 1890, American forces have intervened elsewhere around the globe 100 times. Indeed the United States has sent troops abroad or militarily struck other countries' territory 216 times since independence from Britain. Since 1945 the United States has intervened in more than 20 countries throughout the world.

Lakotas > (A member of the large western branch of Sioux people which was made up of several groups that lived on the plains)

Sioux > [A member of a group of North American Indian peoples who spoke a Siouan language and who ranged from Lake Michigan to the Rocky Mountains ]

Since World War II, the United States actually dropped bombs on 23 countries. These include:
China 1945-46, Korea 1950-53, China 1950-53, Guatemala 1954, Indonesia 1958, Cuba 1959-60, Guatemala 1960, Congo1964, Peru 1965, Laos 1964-73, Vietnam 1961-73, Cambodia 1969-70, Guatemala 1967-69, Grenada 1983, Lebanon 1984, Libya 1986, El Salvador 1980s, Nicaragua1980s, Panama 1989,1999, Somalia 1991---now, Sudan 1998, Yugoslavia 1999.
Afghanistan 1998---- and Iraq 1991----

Post World War II, the
United States has also assisted in over 20 different coups throughout the world, and the CIA was responsible for half a dozen assassinations of political heads of state.

The following is a comprehensive summary of the imperialist strategy of the United States over the span of the past century:

Argentina - 1890 - U S Troops sent to Buenos Aires to protect business interests.

Chile - 1891 – U S Marines sent to Chile and clashed with nationalist rebels.

Haiti - 1891 - American troops suppress a revolt by Black workers on United States-claimed Navassa Island.

Hawaii - 1893 - U S Navy sent to Hawaii to overthrow the independent kingdom - Hawaii annexed by the United States.

Nicaragua - 1894 - U S Troops occupied Bluefields, a city on the Caribbean Sea, for a month.

China - 1894-95 - U S Navy, Army, and Marines landed during the Sino-Japanese War.

Korea - 1894-96 – U S Troops kept in Seoul during the war.

Panama - 1895 – U S Army, Navy, and Marines landed in the port city of

China - 1894-1900 - U S Troops occupied China during the Boxer Rebellion.

Philippines - 1898-1910 - U S Navy and Army troops landed after the Philippines fell during the Spanish-American War; 600,000 Filipinos were killed.

Cuba - 1898-1902 - U S Troops seized Cuba in the Spanish- American War; the United States still maintains troops at Guantanamo Bay today.

Puerto Rico - 1898 - present - U S Troops seized Puerto Rico in the Spanish-American War and still occupy Puerto Rico today.

Nicaragua - 1898 - U S Marines landed at the port of San Juan del Sur.

Samoa - 1899 - U S Troops landed as a result over the battle for succession to the throne.

Panama - 1901-14 - U S Navy supported the revolution when Panama claimed independence from Colombia. American troops have occupied the Canal Zone since 1901 when construction for the canal began.

Honduras - 1903 - U S Marines landed to intervene during a revolution.

Dominican Rep 1903-04 - U S Troops landed to protect American interests during a revolution.

Korea - 1904-05 - U S Marines landed during the Russo-Japanese War.

Cuba - 1906-09 - U S Troops landed during an election.

Nicaragua - 1907 - Troops landed and a protectorate was set up.

Honduras - 1907 - U S Marines landed during Honduras' war with Nicaragua.

Panama - 1908 - Marines sent in during Panama's election.

Nicaragua - 1910 - U S Marines landed for a second time in Bluefields and Corinto.

Honduras - 1911 - U S Troops sent in to protect American interests during Honduras' civil war.

China - 1911-41 - U S Navy and troops sent to China during continuous flare-ups.

Cuba - 1912 - U S Troops sent in to protect American interests in Havana.

Panama - 1912 - U S Marines landed during Panama's election.

Honduras - 1912 - U S Troops sent in to protect American interests.

Nicaragua - 1912-33 - U S Troops occupied Nicaragua and fought guerrillas during its 20-year civil war.

Mexico - 1913 - U S Navy evacuated Americans during revolution.

Dominican Rep 1914 - U S Navy fought with rebels over
Santo Domingo.

Mexico - 1914-18 - U S Navy and troops sent in to intervene against nationalists.

Haiti - 1914-34 - U S Troops occupied Haiti after a revolution and occupied Haiti for 19 years.

Dominican Rep 1916-24 - U S Marines occupied the
Dominican Republic for eight years.

Cuba - 1917-33 - U S Troops landed and occupied Cuba for 16 years; Cuba became an economic protectorate.

World War I - 1917-18 - U S Navy and Army sent to
Europe to fight the Axis powers.

Russia - 1918-22 - U S Navy and troops sent to eastern Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution; Army made five landings.

Honduras - 1919 - U S Marines sent during Honduras' national elections.

Guatemala - 1920 - U S Troops occupied Guatemala for two weeks during a union strike.

Turkey - 1922 - U S Troops fought nationalists in Smyrna.

China - 1922-27 - U S Navy and Army troops deployed during a nationalist revolt.

Honduras - 1924-25 - U S Troops landed twice during a national election.

Panama - 1925 - U S Troops sent in to put down a general strike.

China - 1927-34 - U S Marines sent in and stationed for seven years throughout China.

El Salvador - 1932 - U S Naval warships deployed during the FMLN revolt under Marti.

World War II - 1941-45 - U S Military fought the Axis powers: Japan, Germany, and

Yugoslavia - 1946 - U S Navy deployed off the coast of Yugoslavia in response to the downing of an American plane.

Uruguay - 1947 - U S Bombers deployed as a show of military force.

Greece - 1947-49 - U S United States operations insured a victory for the far right in national "elections."

Germany - 1948 - U S Military deployed in response to the Berlin blockade; the Berlin airlift lasts 444 days.

Philippines - 1948-54 - U S The CIA directed a civil war against the Filipino Huk revolt.

Puerto Rico - 1950 - U S Military helped crush an independence rebellion in Ponce.

Korean War - 1951-53 - U S Military sent in during the war.

Iran - 1953 - U S The CIA orchestrated the overthrow of democratically elected Mossadegh and restored the Shah to power.

Vietnam - 1954 - U S The United States offered weapons to the French in the battle against Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh.

Guatemala - 1954 - U S The CIA overthrew the democratically elected Arbenz and placed Colonel Armas in power.

Egypt - 1956 - U S Marines deployed to evacuate foreigners after Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal.

Lebanon - 1958 - U S Navy supported an Army occupation of Lebanon during its civil war.

Panama - 1958 - Troops landed after Panamanians demonstrations threatened the Canal Zone.

Vietnam - 1950s-75 - Vietnam War.

Cuba - 1961 - The CIA-directed Bay of Pigs invasions failed to overthrow the Castro government.

Cuba - 1962 - The Navy quarantines Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Laos - 1962 - Military occupied Laos during its civil war against the Pathet Lao guerrillas.

Panama - 1964 - Troops sent in and Panamanians shot while protesting the United States presence in the Canal Zone.

Indonesia - 1965 - The CIA orchestrated a military coup.

Dominican Rep- 1965-66 - Troops deployed during a national election.

Guatemala - 1966-67 - Green Berets sent in.

Cambodia - 1969-75 - Military sent in after the Vietnam War expanded into Cambodia.

Oman - 1970 - Marines landed to direct a possible invasion into Iran.

Laos - 1971-75 - Americans carpet-bomb the countryside during
Laos' civil war.

Chile - 1973 - The
CIA orchestrated a coup, killing President Allende who had been popularly elected. The CIA helped to establish a military regime under General Pinochet.

Cambodia - 1975 - Twenty-eight Americans killed in an effort to retrieve the crew of the Mayaquez, which had been seized.

Angola - 1976-92 - The CIA backed South African rebels fighting against Marxist Angola.

Iran - 1980 - Americans aborted a rescue attempt to liberate 52 hostages seized in the Teheran

Libya - 1981 - American fighters shoot down two Libyan fighters.

El Salvador - 1981-92 - The
CIA, troops, and advisers aid in El Salvador's war against the FMLN.

Nicaragua - 1981-90 - The CIA and NSC directed the Contra War against the Sandinistas.

Lebanon - 1982-84 - Marines occupied Beirut during Lebanon's civil war; 241 were killed in the American barracks and Reagan "redeployed" the troops to the Mediterranean.

Honduras - 1983-89 - Troops sent in to build bases near the Honduran border.

Grenada - 1983-84 - American invasion overthrew the Maurice Bishop government.

Iran - 1984 - American fighters shot down two Iranian planes over the Persian Gulf.

Libya - 1986 - American fighters hit targets in and around the capital city of Tripoli.

Bolivia - 1986 - The Army assisted government troops on raids of cocaine areas.

Iran - 1987-88 - The United States intervened on the side of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War.

Libya - 1989 - Navy shot down two more Libyan jets.

Virgin Islands - 1989 - Troops landed during unrest among Virgin Island peoples.

Philippines - 1989 - Air Force provided air cover for government during coup.

Panama - 1989-90 - 27,000 Americans landed in overthrow of President Noriega; over 2,000 Panama civilians were killed.

Liberia - 1990 - Troops entered Liberia to evacuate foreigners during civil war.

Saudi Arabia - 1990-91 - American troops sent to Saudi Arabia, which was a staging area in the war against

Kuwait - 1991 - Troops sent into Kuwait to turn back Saddam Hussein.

Somalia - 1992-94 - Troops occupied Somalia during civil war.

Bosnia - 1993-95 - Air Force jets bombed "no-fly zone" during civil war in Yugoslavia.

Haiti - 1994-96 - American troops and Navy provided a blockade against Haiti's military government. The CIA restored Aristide to power.

Zaire - 1996-97 - Marines sent into Rwanda Hutus' refugee camps in the area where the Congo revolution began.

Albania - 1997 - Troops deployed during evacuation of foreigners.

Sudan - 1998 - American missiles destroyed a pharmaceutical complex where alleged nerve gas components were manufactured.

Afghanistan - 1998 - Missiles launched towards alleged Afghan terrorist training camps.

Yugoslavia - 1999 - Bombings and missile attacks carried out by the United States in conjunction with NATO in the 11 week war against Milosevic.

Iraq - 1998-2001 - Missiles launched into Baghdad and other large Iraq cities for four days.

American jets enforced "no-fly zone" and continued to hit Iraqi targets since December 1998.

These **100** instances of American military intervention did not include times when the United States:

(1) deployed military police overseas;

(2) mobilized the National Guard;

(3) sent Navy ships off the coast of numerous countries as a show of strength;

(4) sent additional troops to areas where Americans were already stationed;

(5) carried out covert actions where American forces were not under the direct rule of an
American command;

(6) used small hostage rescue units;

(7) used American pilots to fly foreign planes;

(8) carried out military training and advisory programs which did not involve direct combat.

U. S. Government Assassination Plots

Following is a list of prominent foreign leaders whose assassination (or planning for same) the United States has been involved in since the end of Second World War. The list does not include several assassinations in various parts of the world carried out by anti-Castro Cubans employed by CIA and headquartered in the United States:


1949 - KIm Koo, Korean opposition leader
1950's -
CIA/Neo-Nazi hit list of numerous political figures in West Germany
1955 - Jose' Antonio Remon, President of Panama
1950's Chou En-lai, Prime Minister of China, several attempts on his life
1951 - Kim Il Sung, Premiere of North Korea
1950s (mid) - Claro M. Recto, Philippines opposition leader
1955 - Jawar Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India
1959 and 1963 - Norodom Sihanouk, leader of Cambodia
1950s-70s - Jose Figueres, President of Costa Rica, two attempts on his life
1961 - Francois "Papa Doc"Duvalier, leader of Haiti
1961 - Patrice Lumumba , Prime Minister of Congo (Zaire)
1961 - Gen. Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Republic
1963 - Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam
1960s - Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, more than 15 attempts on his life
1960s - Raul Castro, high official in government of Cuba
1965 - Francisco Caamanao, Dominican Republic opposition leader
1965 - Pierre Ngendandumwe, Prime Minister of Burundi
1965-6 - Charles de Gaulle, President of France
1967 - Che Guevara, Cuban leader
1970 - Salvadore Allende, President of Chile
1970 - General Rene Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of Army, Chile
1970s and 1981 - Gen. Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama
1972 - General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Panama Intelligence
1975 - Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire
1976 - Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica
1983 - Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua
1984 - The nine commandantes of the Sandanista National Directorate
1980's - Dr. Gerald Bull, Canadian Ballistics Scientist assassinated by Mossad in Belgium.

Partial List of Muslim Leaders Assassinated or Attempted Assassinations

1950's Sukarno, President of Indonesia
1957 Gamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt
1960 Brigadier General, Abdul Karim Kassem, Leader of Iraq
1980-86 Muammar Qaddafi, Leader of Libya, several plots and attempts upon his life
1982 Ayatullah Khomeini, Leader of Iran
1983 General Ahmed Dlimi, Moroccan army Commander
1985 Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadllallah, Lebanese Shiite Leader (80 people killed in that attempt)
1991 Saddam Hussein, Leader of Iraq
Reference: Blum, William, "KILLING HOPE -

U.S. Military and
CIA Interventions Since World War II," Appendix III U.S. Government Assassination Plots, page 453, Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine 1995. ISBN 1-56751-052-3

Very likely Victims :
April 4, 1979 - Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Leader of Pakistan, for pursuing making of Nuclear Bomb.
August, 1988.
General Ziaul Haq, Military Leader of Pakistan.
1995 -
Murtaza Bhutto, Son of ZUlfiqar Ali Bhutto, Anti-American would-be Leader - Pakistan.
March 25, 1975 - King Faisal of Saudi Arabia through his Nephew, Saudi Arabia for imposing 1973 Oil Embargo.
August 24, 1999. Mullah Mohammad Omar, in Kandhar, Afghanistan.

"List of Known Assassination Plots"

1950's Sukarno, President of Indonesia
1957 Gamal Abdul Nasser, President
2001 Since early this year more than 40 Palestinian leaders assassinated through surrogate Israel with the help of
Law of Nature:
Newton's Third Law in Physics: "For every Action, there is an equal and opposite Reaction."

"Are they who plan ill-deeds then secure that Allah will not cause the earth to swallow them, or that the doom will not come on them whence they know not ?"[an-Nahl

"O you believe answer the call of Allaah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) to that which gives you Life."(
A time for thought.
A time for action.
A time for change!
Prophet Muhammad (saw), said:
"The Muslim Ummah is a unique ummah among the whole of mankind: Their
LAND is one, their WAR is one, their PEACE is one, their HONOR is one and their TRUST is one" (Imam Ahmed)

Remember there is NO Life or Dignity without Islam!

True Islamic Views About Terrorism:

Very important articles against terrorism:-

Please Study and Research All the Articles Found Below:

Please read and think about Your lord , the creator, the sustainer, all knowing - God. The God who is unique, The God who can only be compared to himself, The God who does not begets and he is not begotten, The only God who is not male or female, nor he is partial to any gender. The God who is the only one who is the most just and he does not oppresses anyone in any way, and he does not like anyone who oppresses or misuse any of his creations. The only god who has the right to make laws for his creations & no one has the right to ignore them. The God who is not limited by time, not limited in strength, not limited in resources, not limited in knowledge.

The God who will judge people good or bad ( reward able or punishable in the afterlife) based upon their Religion; Not - Country, race, nationality, language, color, beauty, riches, education, culture - They does not help if there is anything against the law of the religion.

All of us will die and will return to his kingdom in the skies. Then men & women will have to go to heavens or to hells.

Surrender yourself to the will of god, surrender to the laws of his Religion (In Arabic that means Islam). Pray and supplicate to your God, so that you may be guided to the truth. Have love & fear both for your God - The only God who is to be worshipped alone (In Arabic he [God] is -Allah).